Maximize a Minimalism Mentality
This quarter I have been studying at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston, Oregon for my second term. The last time I...

Gave Up Not Caring
I knew I wanted to study marine biology after I was stung by a jellyfish off the coast of Italy in third grade. I later found out how it...

My Writing Desk
My feature writing class was encouraged to check out "The Writing Desk" by John Updike, so I actually did. Firstly, I'm disappointed by...

Forest of Emotions
The following pertains to an art piece called "Forest Seen(s)", which can be found at the University of Oregon Jordan Schnitzer Museum of...

Nine Hopes I have for the New Media Center for Science and Technology
Have you heard about the UO School of Journalism and Communication’s new Media Center for Science and Technology? In my opinion, it’s...

Welcome to My Zoo
I have two African Dwarf frogs (Castor and Leda), a beta fish (Mr. Limpet) and pet moon jellies (Moana, Aquamarine and Mariana). My...