Maximize a Minimalism Mentality
This quarter I have been studying at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston, Oregon for my second term. The last time I...

Welcome to My Zoo
I have two African Dwarf frogs (Castor and Leda), a beta fish (Mr. Limpet) and pet moon jellies (Moana, Aquamarine and Mariana). My...

What I Learned at OIMB (Besides the School Stuff)
1. Marine biology is hard. 2. Always step on the barnacles instead of the algae (they don’t get hurt as much as you think). 3. ...

I was coming back from visiting my boyfriend who was moving into his house in Humboldt. It was around 2pm and I had just crossed into...

1st Weekend of Biological Illustration
I came into this class with an empty new sketchbook, not knowing what to expect. My illustration skills were minimal at best and I didn’t...

Day 1 of My Summer at OIMB
I am sitting at my desk in room 18 of the marine mammal and bird dorm building. There are currently only three other girls in the hall,...